5 Reasons Why You Need Workers Compensation Attorneys (Immediately!)

AUTHOR: A.J. Bruning | July 20, 2020
5 Reasons Why You Need Workers Compensation Attorneys (Immediately!)

About 5,250 workers died from a work-related injury in 2018. Even a small injury could lead to a long-term disability, impacting your quality of life. Instead of trying to manage your pain, consider filing a claim!

You don't have to work through the process alone, either. Instead, consider hiring worker's compensation attorneys for your case. With an attorney's help, you can make your case and receive the compensation you deserve.

Still on the fence? Keep reading to discover the five reasons you should hire an attorney. Learn what a difference having an attorney on your side can make with this helpful guide.

1. Experience and Guidance

If you've never filed a worker's compensation claim before, it can feel confusing. Failing to take the proper steps could weaken your claim. For example, you need to receive medical attention right away to make your case.

Over 229,000 injuries occur due to contact with objects and equipment. These injuries are so severe that employees have had to miss work. If you're missing work due to an injury, you might struggle to pay your medical bills alone.

A team of workers compensation attorneys can help you navigate through the process. They'll tell you which steps you need to take in order to correctly file your claim. Otherwise, you might miss an essential step that could hurt your case.

Their previous experience and relevant expertise regarding the law and legal process can strengthen your claim.

2. Advice Regarding Compensation

Are you unsure whether or not you qualify for your compensation? There's a chance your employer won't want to remain upfront. Instead, they'll want to protect the best interests of the company.

By speaking with a worker's compensation attorney, you can get all the advice you need about whether or not you qualify for coverage.

Your attorney will have your best interests at heart; not the company's.

3. File Your Claim Correctly

A small issue with your paperwork could prevent you from receiving the compensation you deserve. An experienced worker's compensation attorney will ensure you file the paperwork correctly.

If there's an issue, they'll help you determine the best course of action moving forward.

4. Insight into Other Benefits

You could qualify for other benefits and not even realize it! A workman's comp lawyer can help you explore other benefits, such as Social Security or long-term disability benefits.

With their help, you can receive the maximum amount of money you deserve after you've sustained an injury on the job.

5. Navigating Appeals and Hearings

What if your worker's comp claim is denied? You might think that's the end of it.

By working with worker's compensation attorneys, you can appeal the carrier's action and fight for your rights. Your lawyer will also help you if the carrier refuses to pay. They'll know which procedures to follow to help prove your case.

Don't Wait: 5 Reasons to Hire Worker's Compensation Attorneys for Your Case

Don't go through this alone. If you were injured on the job, contact a team of worker's compensation attorneys to help. Their expertise could make all the difference in your case.

Take action and get the maximum compensation you deserve. Contact our law firm for a free consultation.

A.J. Bruning


I was born and raised to represent individuals who have been needlessly injured. I mean that literally. At a young age my father would tell me about the clients he was representing. I would meet them and take pride in their admiration of my father. I always knew I wanted to be a lawyer and represent clients that needed my help.

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