You are not required to speak to the other driver’s insurance company. Simply say that you will not speak to them and give them your lawyer’s name and contact information. The more you say to the insurance agent for the other driver, the more likely you are to give information he or she can use to make your claim harder – even without realizing that you are doing so. Likewise, do not release your medical records to the other driver’s insurance company or send any information without talking to your car accident lawyer first.
Fighting the Insurance Company After a TBI
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can cause overwhelming physical, cognitive, and financial difficulties that completely alter your life. You and your […]
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Unfortunately, careless and negligent drivers cause car accidents. Each year, millions of people get into traffic accidents, and thousands of […]
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Head-on collisions are among the most devastating types of accidents. When they involve large commercial vehicles, like semi trucks and tractor-traliers, […]
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