Trampolines Can Cause Injuries
As a child, there is something very enticing about kicking off your shoes, climbing onto a trampoline, and jumping for […]
Bicycling While Intoxicated Can Lead To Crashes
Television advertisements, radio campaigns, school banners, and car bumper stickers have all been plastered with the “don’t drink and drive” […]
Are Your Airbags Safe In Your Vehicle?
Airbags have been around since the early 1980’s as a shield of protection or cushion to guard against forceful impact […]
Rollover Accidents Can Cause Head Injuries
Automobile accidents are varied in many different ways such as the typical vehicles involved in a collision, the common contributing […]
Car Accident Victims Often Suffer Joint Injuries
Car accidents are a prevalent issue in the United States. The Association for Safe International Road Travel reports that approximately […]