As soon as possible. Your insurance policy may have a time limit for reporting accidents. If you miss this deadline, the insurance company will deny your claim. Just as in your conversation with police, when you talk to your insurance company, stick to the facts. If you are pressured to “take the blame” or to blame someone else, simply say that you want to see what the results of the investigation are before you say anything else.
Will an Injury Lawyer Near Me Offer a Free Consultation?
Unfortunately, careless and negligent drivers cause car accidents. Each year, millions of people get into traffic accidents, and thousands of […]
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Head-on collisions are among the most devastating types of accidents. When they involve large commercial vehicles, like semi trucks and tractor-traliers, […]
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Data suggests that the legalization of marijuana in Missouri will increase the rate of drugged driving accidents. While the legalization […]
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