
Your Personal Injury Lawyers

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Still Need to See a Doctor If My Injuries Appear to Be Minor Following a Personal Injury Accident?

Even if you believe your injuries are minor following a personal injury accident, you should still see a doctor as soon as possible. Often, serious injuries such as severe head and brain trauma can take days to even weeks to manifest. Yet, the longer you wait to get treatment, the more fatal the injuries can become. That is why it is important to get checked out quickly following your accident by a medical professional so that they can verify that you do not have any of these hidden injuries.

In addition, getting treatment may be beneficial to your claim. The insurance company may be looking for any reason to deny your case. By not getting evaluated by a doctor after your accident, the insurer can argue that your injuries are not that serious or were from a subsequent event. Fortunately, when a doctor examines you, they can write down all about your personal injury incident in their medical report, providing you with a direct link between your injuries and the accident.

If the Insurance Company Offers Me a Settlement Amount Following My Personal Injury Accident, Should I Accept It?

If the insurance company offers you money following your accident, it may seem like a no-brainer to accept the settlement. However, this may not always be in your best interest. Following a personal injury accident, the consequences can be horrifying, leaving you with skyrocketing medical bills, a need for ongoing care, and the inability to work for an extended time.

That is why before you agree to any settlement offer, you need to verify what this amount covers. This is because insurance companies hardly ever take your current expenses, future care, and medical bills into account. Instead, they may try to offer you a settlement check shortly after your accident to try to pay you the least amount of money they can and have this situation go away as quickly as possible. Worse yet, if you accept this money, you can’t go back for more later on, even if expenses arise resulting from the original injury.

For these reasons, before you accept any offer, you should speak to a personal injury attorney, such as those at the Bruning Law Firm. These lawyers can help you determine if the settlement offer covers all your current and future expenses and possible ongoing care. If it does not, the attorney can negotiate with the insurance company and go after a settlement offer that is fair to you.

How Long Will My Personal Injury Lawsuit Take to Resolve?

Unfortunately, no set period dictates how long a case will take to resolve when it comes to personal injury lawsuits.

In truth, too many factors can influence a personal injury lawsuit timeline, including:

  • The type of injuries you suffered and the severity of these injuries.
  • Your present and future medical treatments.
  • Whether the insurance company is willing to participate in negotiations.
  • Whether there are problematic legal issues with your case.
  • Whether the case involves a substantial amount of money.
  • Whether you have reached a point of maximum medical improvement.

Because of these factors, a personal injury case can take anywhere from a few months to a few years to resolve, especially if the case ends up heading to trial. However, when you work with a personal injury lawyer, they can provide you the legal help you require through this whole legal process, ensuring they fight for the compensation that is fair to you. Plus, if the case needs to head to trial, they can also prepare you for every step of the way.

If the Insurance Company Is Trying to Contact Me Following My Personal Injury Accident, Should I Talk to Them?

It is important to understand that the insurance company is not your friend. They may not want to help you get the money you need following an accident. Instead, they are a business, and like other businesses, they want to make a profit. How can they do this? By paying you less. That is why insurance adjusters may try any tactic they can to get you to admit fault for your personal injury accident so that they can justify reducing the amount of your claim or denying it altogether.

For these reasons, if the insurance company adjuster is calling, you should be careful when discussing your case with them. In truth, it would be best if you only provide them with basic details about the incident and indicate that all future communications will be through your lawyer. Once you retain a knowledgeable personal injury accident lawyer, like those at Bruning Law Firm, these attorneys can handle all these discussions and negotiations with the insurance company for you and help ensure you do not say anything that can affect your claim.


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An Innovative Law Firm
Producing Quick Results

Just because the law is full of history and tradition doesn’t mean the way we practice it shouldn’t be
advanced. We are innovators changing the way personal injury law works for our clients. We are a
modern law firm committed to creating a better experience with better results.

Our attorneys use the power of data and their professional experience to build your case and make sure you don’t get lost in the shuffle.

We will work tirelessly to get the maximum results for your case in the shortest amount of time. Employers and insurance companies work hard to drag cases out. We work smarter and harder to achieve real results for you.

When you are hurting, time matters. We ensure justice is served as quickly as possible so you can start a new chapter in your life and not remain in legal limbo. The Bruning Law Firm will get you the relief you deserve quickly, so you can get back to your life.

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