Kansas City Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

Due to their lack of protection, pedestrians are at a severe risk of serious injury when a motor vehicle strikes them. As a law firm that fights for the most vulnerable, Bruning Law Firm has represented many injured pedestrians—as well as those tragically affected by fatal pedestrian collisions.

You deserve a law firm with decades of experience, high-value case results, and unrivaled client care. Call Bruning Law Firm today at (816) 370-5384 for your free consultation about hiring a Kansas City pedestrian accident lawyer.

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Injured in a Pedestrian Accident? Bruning Law Firm Is Here for You

Personal Injury lawyers

Anyone who suffers injuries or loses a loved one because of a pedestrian accident should seek a proven, compassionate attorney to fight for their financial interests. Finding the right lawyer starts with identifying a firm with a stellar reputation, impressive results, and a culture that fits your needs.

Bruning Law Firm fits the criteria that injured pedestrians should seek in their legal team, and we represent:

  • Walkers
  • Joggers
  • Bicyclists
  • Scooter riders
  • All others who suffered an injury in a pedestrian capacity
  • Clients who have lost a loved one because of a fatal pedestrian collision in Kansas City

Despite continued efforts to protect pedestrians, the rate of serious pedestrian collisions remains unacceptably high. Often, the only recourse for victims is to hire a lawyer to seek fair compensation for their injuries and losses.

You should choose your Kansas City pedestrian accident attorney from Bruning Law Firm because:

Case Results Matter When You’re Choosing a Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Different professions measure success in different ways. In civil law, case results are the ultimate metric of a law firm’s performance. Our attorneys have established a higher bar for our performance in securing millions of dollars in damages for our clients.

Many of our most substantial settlements and verdicts were for clients injured in traffic collisions, including pedestrian accidents. These results should be an important consideration as you decide whether to hire a pedestrian accident attorney from our team in Kansas City.

Our Former Clients Regularly Endorse Us

You deserve to hear directly from our clients. Nobody has a more direct, objective view of how Bruning Law Firm operates, and they frequently leave us rave reviews.

Securing financial recoveries is one way in which we serve our clients. That said, we go above and beyond to ensure our clients are comfortable, cared for, and on board with every aspect of our representation.

Top Attorney Personal Injury

We Have an Office in Kansas City

Being close to your lawyer is always an advantage. 

Our firm has an office on Madison Avenue in Kansas City, which means:

  • We are familiar with the city (including the locations where pedestrian accidents frequently occur)
  • You can see your lawyer in person whenever you need
  • We can travel to you if it makes your life easier
  • Our firm has deep ties to the community, and it’s our mission to make the city safer for pedestrians

You know where to find us. This may be a great comfort as we fight for the financial recovery you deserve.

Our Reputation for Elite Client Service Is Well-Earned (and Constantly Maintained)

You don’t need any headaches from your law firm. In fact, having a lawyer should make your life easier in every way. The Kansas City pedestrian accident lawyers at Bruning Law Firm prioritize our clients’ well-being, and we guarantee that we will deliver the caliber of experience you deserve.

Our commitment to client service means:

  • We will meet you at the hospital, in your home, or at any other convenient location
  • Your attorney and our team members always remember you and your case details
  • Your lawyer will provide frequent updates about your case, even if nothing of note has happened
  • Our team is always available to speak with you, and our lawyers return calls, texts, and emails promptly
  • Being a client at Bruning Law Firm feels like family

Our lawyers truly view our profession as a service industry. You will realize the Bruning Law Firm difference as soon as you encounter it.

You Don’t Pay Any Upfront or Out-of-Pocket Costs to Bruning Law Firm

Contingency fees are one way that we give back to our clients. When you retain your attorney from our team, you don’t pay us any upfront fee. We complete every step of your case, complete settlement negotiations, or make your case in front of a jury.

If we obtain a settlement or verdict based on our efforts, your attorney will receive a fair percentage of the money we secure for you. If our team falls short of its goal (which we never intend to do), you do not owe us anything.

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A Kansas City Pedestrian Accident Lawyer from Our Team Will Fight Tirelessly for Your Future


Missouri Code § 516.120 is one of the statutes that makes your case time-sensitive. Our team generally has a limited time to file pedestrian accident lawsuits, while insurance claims require you to report injuries quickly after the collision.

Don’t wait to retain your Kansas City pedestrian accident lawyer from our firm so that we can:

Obtain Evidence from Your Pedestrian Accident in KC

Your attorney will document every relevant aspect of your accident, and we will seek:

  • Your account of how the accident happened (which we can also pass along to insurance companies)
  • Any police report related to the accident
  • Video of the accident, which can come from traffic cameras, cell phones, security cameras, or other cameras
  • Eyewitness accounts

The Bruning Law Firm actively seeks experts to enhance our clients’ cases. If your case requires an expert’s collision reconstruction, we will commission one for your case.

We need to determine who to seek compensation from.

Your Kansas City pedestrian accident attorney will figure out:

  • Who caused your pedestrian accident (likely a motorist)
  • Who is financially responsible for losses from the accident (insurance companies and the at-fault party are among potentially liable parties)

We base our determination of liability on evidence and objective facts so we can demand fair compensation from liable parties.

Detail Your Medical Care and Other Damages

Kansas City Personal Injury Lawyer

Your lawyer will incorporate all relevant documentation of your damages in your case, which may include:

  • Medical bills
  • X-rays and other images of injuries
  • Photographs of visible injuries
  • All medical records related to the pedestrian accident
  • Proof of professional damages (which may include bank statements, testimony from your employer, and expert testimony)
  • A mental health professional’s testimony (they can speak to conditions, symptoms, and treatment needs)
  • Invoices related to property damage

Some clients face post-traumatic stress disorder, others have totaled vehicles, while others deal with entirely different damages. Our lawyers tailor the documentation to prove your unique damages.

Determine Your Case Value

Medical services, damage to your cell phone, mental health treatment, and other accident-related damages come at a price. Your Kansas City pedestrian accident lawyer from our team will calculate that price.

When we present settlement demands on your behalf, you can rest assured that we have accounted for:

  • Economic damages (like lost income and healthcare costs)
  • Non-economic damages (such as pain and suffering)
  • The damages you’ve already suffered (like the cost of ambulance transport)
  • The damages you’re going to face in time (like ongoing mental health services)

Our lawyers are both urgent in valuing our clients’ damages and accurate in composing our settlement demands.

Fight for a Settlement (with the Utmost Urgency)

Settling cases is the norm when it comes to traffic accidents. The primary benefit of settling is receiving much-needed compensation as soon as possible.

That said, our firm is open to both settlements and trials. We will never encourage you to settle unless the offer covers your losses (and you choose to accept that offer). You can see from our case results that we fight hard for fair settlements, but we never shy away from trial.

We will frequently communicate with you, especially as settlement negotiations unfold. Your attorney will explain whether liable parties refuse to provide fair compensation after we have sought a settlement.

You and your attorney will mutually decide whether to file a lawsuit. If you choose to sue, you and your lawyer may eventually decide to go to trial. Bruning Law Firm will lead every step of your case, including into the courtroom if necessary.

Bad-Faith Tactics Are a Hazard You Shouldn’t Have to Worry About

Million Dollar Advocates Forum

As an injured pedestrian, you should not have to be on guard for insurance companies. Yet, if you do not hire a lawyer, you may find that liable insurers are less than honest with your claim.

Your Kansas City pedestrian accident attorney from Bruning Law Firm will protect you from bad-faith approaches that insurance companies too often use, including:

  • Blaming the pedestrian for jaywalking or engaging in other actions that caused the accident
  • Claiming that the pedestrian was impaired
  • Denying the pedestrian’s claim
  • Disputing the financial value of the pedestrian’s accident-related losses
  • Offering a lowball settlement and, at least initially, refusing to negotiate off that initial offer

Insurance companies may also try to confuse you or have you make a statement that harms your claim. Our lawyers deal with insurers on behalf of our clients, providing critical protection from bad-faith tactics.

Not having to deal with insurance companies (or other aspects of the claims process) should also benefit your mental health and recovery process.

Damages We Often Include in Kansas City Pedestrian Accident Cases

St. Louis Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

Pedestrians are in immense danger when a vehicle bears down on them. With little protection, there is an immense risk that a pedestrian will suffer severe injuries when a motor vehicle hits them.

Our firm prepares for the worst when representing victims of pedestrian accidents, and our clients often deserve large settlements and verdicts. We will fight for the entire recovery you are entitled to, which should cover any:

Property Damage

If your clothing, phone, watch, or any other personal property was damaged when a vehicle hit you, your attorney will demand compensation for replacing that property.

Medical Expenses

No injured pedestrian should have to worry about the cost of:

  • Ambulance transport
  • Emergency services
  • X-rays and other medical images
  • Hospitalization
  • Medications
  • Specialist appointments
  • Long-term care

Our lawyers are invested in your recovery. We will immediately contact your doctors, document the care you’ve already received, and document ongoing medical services.

Pain and Suffering

Personal Injury Law Firm

Few events are as traumatic as a serious pedestrian accident.

When you consider the added hardship of being injured, you may deserve compensation for:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Lost quality of life
  • Physical pain (including pain from your injuries and any chronic conditions)
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

If your quality of life has decreased because of the pedestrian accident (a near certainty), your lawyer will consider this when calculating your case value.

Lost Income

Pedestrians often need a significant amount of time to heal after accidents, which generally means they cannot work. Our team will account for any lost income, lost earning power, or any other professional damages resulting from the pedestrian collision in Kansas City.

Rehabilitation Costs

If you need rehabilitation for physical injuries, mental health treatment for trauma, or vocational retraining to return to work, we’ll seek fair compensation.

We also represent wrongful death victims, so turn to us if you have lost a loved one due to a fatal pedestrian accident.

Call Bruning Law Firm Today for Your Free Consultation About Hiring a Kansas City Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

A.J. Bruning, Kansas City Pedestrian Accident Attorney
A.J. Bruning, Kansas City Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Bruning Law Firm prides itself on standing above our competitors. Expect to be impressed by our legal knowledge, work ethic, client service, and compassion. We will tailor a strategy to you and work urgently to execute that strategy.

Call Bruning Law Firm today at (816) 370-5384 for your free consultation about hiring a Kansas City pedestrian accident lawyer. Don’t wait, as your case is already on the clock.